sabato 13 luglio 2013

This Theory On How All The Pixar Films Are Connected Is Bonkers

Surely, if you've watched a few Pixar films, you've noticed at least one of the many easter eggs that Pixar includes—they always reference other Pixar movies. It's a staple. Most of the films, for example, include the "Pizza Planet Truck" from Toy Story.

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martedì 21 maggio 2013

Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea | Video on

As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thought her country was “the best on the planet.” It wasn't until the famine of the 90s that she began to wonder. She escaped the country at 14, to begin a life in hiding, as a refugee in China. Hers is a harrowing, personal tale of survival and hope -- and a powerful reminder of those who face constant danger, even when the border is far behind.

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sabato 18 maggio 2013

Australia's unannounced 'totalitarian' web filter causes alarm

Australia's government is under fire after it appears to have introduced web censorship without warning, expanding already-controversial powers to block access to child pornography into a wider web filtering system.

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venerdì 17 maggio 2013

Printable A3-sized solar cells new milestone in green energy

Imagine a future where solar panels speed off the presses, like newspaper. Australian scientists have brought us one step closer to that reality. Researchers from the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium (VICOSC) have developed a printer that can print 10 metres of flexible solar cells a minute.

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venerdì 10 maggio 2013

Opinion: Forget the Moon. Let's Go to Mars.

Editor's Note: National Geographic is bringing together astronaut Buzz Aldrin and mountaineer Conrad Anker for a Google+ Hangout on Monday, May 20 at 2 pm ET (7 p.m. UTC). Post your questions below using #LetsExplore.

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domenica 5 maggio 2013

Stranger Visions: DNA Collected from Found Objects Used to Create 3D Portraits

It’s a cold January day and you’re walking down a street in Brooklyn gnawing on a piece of gum that just passed the point of flavorful into the realm of tastelessness. In a hurry, you spit it on the ground without a second thought and continue about your day.

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venerdì 3 maggio 2013

Antigravity gets first test at Cern's Alpha experiment

Researchers at Cern in Switzerland have tested a novel way to find out if antimatter is the source of a force termed "antigravity". Antimatter particles are the "mirror image" of normal matter, but with opposite electric charge.

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